Best Commission Tracking Software for Sales Teams

Picture this: It's the end of the month, and you're drowning in a sea of spreadsheets, trying to calculate commissions for your sales team. You've got deals closing left and right, but you're stuck playing the role of a glorified accountant. If you're like most founders or sales managers, commission tracking is the bane of your existence. But here's the thing; It's not just a minor inconvenience. Manual commission tracking is costing you more than you realize. Studies have shown that companies lose an average of 20 hours per month to manual commission calculations. That's half a work week, every single month, down the drain. And let's be real, spreadsheets are killing more than just your productivity – they're slowly sucking the life out of your soul. There's nothing quite as demoralizing as staring at a never-ending grid of numbers, trying to make sense of it all. But, here's the real issue. When your sales team doesn't have a clear, real-time picture of their earnings, team morale takes a hit. And when morale suffers, so does performance. It's a vicious cycle that can cost you big time in lost revenue and turnover.

Aug 20, 2024


5 min

Cosmicly: Automating Your Commission Headaches Away

Meet Cosmicly: the commission tracking software that's here to save your sanity and supercharge your sales team.

So, what exactly is Cosmicly? In a nutshell, it's an all-in-one platform that automates your commission tracking, integrates with your existing tools, and provides real-time insights into your team's performance.

But here's what really sets Cosmicly apart: It's not just another generic tracking tool. It's built specifically for sales teams, by a team that understands the unique challenges of commission-based selling.

The magic behind Cosmicly lies in its fully automated commission & KPI attribution flow (through it's integrations with Stripe and Calendly).

By connecting these tools, Cosmicly is able to track every single commission from the point of sale, without any manual input required. No more chasing down reps for their numbers or trying to reconcile discrepancies. It's all automated, accurate, and effortless.

Unleashing Your Sales Team's Potential

So, what does this mean for your sales team? For starters, they'll have real-time visibility into their commissions. No more end-of-month surprises or disputes over who closed what deal. With Cosmicly, everything is transparent and up-to-date.

But the benefits go beyond just accuracy. When your team has a clear picture of their earnings, it breeds trust and motivation. They know that their hard work is being recognized and rewarded, without any ambiguity or delay.

And let's talk about the psychological impact of instant gratification. Studies have shown that immediate rewards are far more motivating than delayed ones.

With Cosmicly, your reps get that dopamine hit every time they close a deal, because they can see their commission hit their account in real-time.

It's like gamification on steroids.

KPIs That Actually Matter

But, Cosmicly isn't just about commissions. It's about giving you a holistic view of your sales team's performance, so you can make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategy.

Take close rates, for example. Sure, it's a common metric, but are you really tracking it in a meaningful way?

With Cosmicly, you can see your close rates, average cash collected per call, and total revenue broken down for by every single rep.

PRO TIP: Optimize for average cash collected per call (most people overlook this).

This is the ultimate efficiency indicator. It tells you not just how many deals your reps are closing, but how much revenue they're generating with each interaction.

With Cosmicly, you can track this metric effortlessly and use it to identify your top performers and coach the rest of your team to success.

And then there's the holy grail of sales metrics: customer lifetime value (LTV) and refund amounts.

These numbers give you a true picture of the long-term impact of your sales efforts. Are you bringing in customers that stick around and continue to generate revenue, or are you churning through them faster than a revolving door?

Cosmicly gives you these insights at a glance, so you can build a sustainable, profitable sales machine.

The Founder's Dream: Automated Reporting and Dashboards

If you're a founder or sales leader, you know that data is power. But let's be real: manually compiling reports and dashboards is a nightmare. It's time-consuming, error-prone, and takes you away from the high-impact work that actually moves the needle.

With Cosmicly, reporting is completely automated. You can say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to real-time insights. No more waiting for end-of-month reports or relying on outdated data to make decisions.

But here's what really sets Cosmicly's reporting apart: customization. Every business is unique, and your dashboards should reflect that. With Cosmicly, you can get fully automated dashboards that provide you with the metrics that matter most. Whether you're focused on revenue growth, team efficiency, or customer retention, you can build a dashboard that gives you the insights you need at a glance.

By having real-time data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions and pivot your strategy on the go.

No more flying blind, or relying on "gut instincts".

Implementation: Getting Started with Cosmicly

Alright, so you're sold on the benefits of Cosmicly. But how do you actually get started?

Don't worry – we've got you covered.

First things first: setup.

We know that implementing new software can be daunting, but we've made it as painless as possible. Our step-by-step setup guide walks you through the process, from creating your account to configuring your settings.

>> View Cosmicly's quick-start guide here

Case Study: From Spreadsheet Hell to Sales Paradise

But don't just take our word for it. Let's take a look at a real-life example of how Cosmicly has transformed a sales team.

One of our past clients (Sarah) was the founder of a SaaS startup that sells marketing automation software. When she first launched her sales team, she was managing all the commission tracking herself in a massive, unwieldy spreadsheet. It was a nightmare.

She was spending hours every week just trying to keep the numbers straight, and her team was constantly coming to her with questions and disputes over their pay.

Morale was low, and turnover was high.

Then Sarah found Cosmicly.

Within a week of implementing the software, everything changed.

Her team had real-time visibility into their commissions, and the disputes all but disappeared.

Sarah was able to reclaim her time and focus on growing the business, rather than managing spreadsheets.

But the real proof was in the numbers.

After implementing Cosmicly, Sarah's team saw a 15% increase in close rates, a 20% increase in cash collected, and a 10% decrease in customer churn. The team was more motivated, more efficient, and more effective than ever before.

But the most unexpected benefit was the time Sarah was able to reclaim for herself.

With Cosmicly handling the commission tracking and reporting, she was able to step away from the day-to-day operations and focus on strategic growth.

She finally had the bandwidth to work on the big-picture initiatives that would take her business to the next level.

Pricing and ROI: Making the Numbers Work for You

How can you be sure that Cosmicly is going to be worth the investment? Well, let's run some numbers.

Let's say your team of 10 reps is currently spending a collective 20 hours per week on commission tracking and reporting.

That's 80 hours per month, at an average hourly rate of $50 (factoring in your time and your reps' time). That's $4,000 per month in lost productivity.

Now, let's say you implement Cosmicly, and those 80 hours are reduced to just 5 hours per month. That's a savings of $3,750 per month – more than enough to cover Cosmicly's fees.

But that's just the beginning. When you factor in the increased close rates, average deal sizes, and retention you'll see after implimentation, the ROI becomes even more compelling.

A 15% increase in close rates on a team that closes $100,000 in new business per month is an extra $15,000 in revenue. A 20% increase in average deal size on a $1,000 average deal is an extra $200 per deal. And a 10% decrease in churn on a customer base that pays $10,000 per month is an extra $1,000 in monthly recurring revenue.

When you add it all up, the ROI of implementing Cosmicly is a no-brainer.

You're not just saving time and headaches – you're driving real, measurable business results.

FAQ: Addressing Your Burning Questions

We get it – implementing new software can be daunting, and you probably have a million questions. Here are a few of the most common ones we hear from prospective customers:

Q: Is my data secure with Cosmicly?
A: Absolutely. We take data security and privacy extremely seriously. We use industry-standard encryption and security protocols to protect your data, and we never sell or share your information with third parties.

Q: Can Cosmicly scale with my team as we grow?
A: Definitely. Cosmicly is built to scale with your business. Whether you're a team of 2 or 200, our platform can handle your commission tracking and reporting needs. And as your team grows, you can easily add new users and customize their permissions and access levels.

Q: What kind of support and training do you offer?
A: We're with you every step of the way. When you sign up for Cosmicly, you'll be assigned a dedicated success manager who will help you get set up and answer any questions you have. We also offer live training sessions, video tutorials, and a comprehensive knowledge base to help you get the most out of the platform.

Conclusion: The Future of Sales Commission Tracking

If there's one thing we hope you take away from this guide, it's this: spreadsheets are officially dead for modern sales teams. The future of commission tracking is automated, integrated, and data-driven – and Cosmicly is leading the charge.

By implementing Cosmicly, you're not just saving time and headaches – you're giving your team a competitive edge. When your reps have real-time visibility into their commissions and your leaders have actionable insights at their fingertips, you're able to make smarter decisions, faster. You're able to optimize your strategy, motivate your team, and drive real results.

So, if you're ready to leave the spreadsheet nightmare behind and step into the future of sales commission tracking, we invite you to start your Cosmicly journey today. Sign up for a free trial, and see for yourself how Cosmicly can transform your sales team.

XI. Bonus: Templates and Resources

To help you get started with Cosmicly, we've put together a few bonus resources:

Commission Structure Templates: Not sure how to structure your commissions? We've got you covered. Our templates cover a range of industries and sales models, from SaaS to real estate to insurance. Just plug in your numbers and customize to your needs.

>> Schedule a free demo, and get the bonus worksheets delivered